The Lang School provides an authentically rigorous academic program for twice-exceptional (2e) learners by seamlessly integrating high-level intellectual challenge with the individualized supports and scaffolding necessary for their success. At its core, we are deeply committed to meeting each student's unique needs while maintaining high academic standards that nurture intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity.

Individualized Learning Profiles and Differentiation
Every student at The Lang School benefits from the creation of a Learning Profile (LP) that reflects their strengths, challenges, and personal learning preferences. This approach ensures that students are appropriately challenged in their areas of strength while receiving targeted support in areas where they need growth. Teachers design lessons and projects that incorporate differentiated instruction, allowing students to engage with material at varying levels of complexity and depth. This combination of academic rigor and personalization creates an environment where 2e learners thrive.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles
We draw on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to ensure that the curriculum is accessible to all students. This includes offering multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression to accommodate diverse learning styles. For instance, a history project might allow students to demonstrate mastery through a written essay, a multimedia presentation, or a creative art piece. This flexibility ensures that students can access the curriculum and excel using their preferred strengths while developing new skills.
Executive Function Supports and Scaffolding
Many 2e learners face challenges with executive functioning, such as planning, organization, and task completion. We address these needs through explicit instruction and embedded support. Teachers provide students with tools like graphic organizers, checklists, and planners, which help them break down complex tasks into manageable steps. Coaching on time management and self-regulation is also integrated into the school day, ensuring that students build the skills needed to navigate rigorous academic demands.

Social-Emotional Learning and Advocacy
We recognize that rigorous academics are most effective when paired with strong social-emotional support. The school uses evidence-based programs like Responsive Classroom and Social Thinking Methodology to help students develop self-awareness, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills. These programs empower students to understand their strengths and challenges, advocate for their needs, and engage meaningfully in collaborative work, which is often central to high-level academic projects.
Integration of Strengths and Interests
A hallmark of our approach is a focus on leveraging students' strengths and interests as a foundation for learning. For example, a student with a passion for mathematics might explore advanced problem-solving techniques, while a budding artist could engage in interdisciplinary projects that integrate art with science or literature. This strengths-based approach not only deepens engagement, but also provides a pathway to rigorous intellectual exploration tailored to each student’s passions.

Project-Based and Inquiry-Based Learning
Central to our design is a focus on project-based and inquiry-based learning, which allows students to take ownership of their education while engaging in authentic, real-world problem-solving. These approaches challenge students to ask meaningful questions, conduct research, and present their findings in innovative ways. Projects are designed to be both intellectually demanding and scaffolded, with teachers providing guidance and support to ensure success at every step.
Assessment of Mastery and Growth
Student progress is measured not only by traditional assessments but also by projects, portfolios, and performance-based tasks that reflect their understanding and application of knowledge. Teachers use formative assessments to monitor learning and adjust instruction as needed, ensuring that students are supported in meeting high expectations. Our focus is on mastery and growth rather than simple performance metrics, allowing students to develop resilience and confidence as they tackle challenges.

Highly Skilled and Collaborative Faculty
Teachers at The Lang School are not only experts in their subject areas, but are also deeply trained in twice-exceptional education. They understand how to balance rigor with empathy, challenge with support. Regular professional development ensures that faculty stay up to date on best practices for 2e learners, and a culture of collaboration allows teachers to share strategies and insights about how to best serve their students.
Preparing Students for Lifelong Success

Our rigorous academic program is not solely about preparing students for college, but about equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and self-awareness needed to succeed in life. By fostering a love of learning, teaching critical thinking and problem-solving, and building self-regulation and advocacy skills, the school ensures that students are not only academically prepared, but also personally empowered to pursue their goals.
This unique balance of challenge and support reflects our deep understanding of twice-exceptional learners. By honoring their potential and meeting their needs, we provide an educational experience that is as rigorous as it is compassionate, setting students on a path to success both academically and personally.